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Keywords: 糖尿病;食物结构变化;谷物
Diabetes, Grain, food composition
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很长一段时间内,医学界对于糖尿病的致病原因存在着误解,即认为谷物会导致尿糖增多,继而诱发或加重糖尿病,这使得许多糖尿病患者在实际的治疗中总是避免进食谷物.本文从《本草纲目》关于消渴症的记载出发,通过对谷物类主食的营养的全面分析,认为谷物摄入过多不会造成尿糖增多,反而谷物缺乏才是导致糖尿病的重要原因,并进一步得出正是现代中国人食物结构的巨变最终造成了糖尿病的流行。For a long time, the medical have some misunderstandings for the reason that causes diabetes. Some researchers find grain can cause or aggravate diabetes, Which makes many diabetic patients always avoid eating corn in the treatment. The article concludes that lack of grains is the main reason for diabetes. This conclusion is based on records about diabetes in Compendium of Materia Medica, and a general analysis of nutrition in grain.